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Non formal Learning   for improving youthwork in diverse settings

Hosted by NECI EU

Partners: Network for European Citizenship and Identity Cyprus, FOCO Spain, NECI Italia, Asociatia Tinerii 3D

Romania, European Youth Centre Břeclav Czech R., Slovakia, Hellenic Youth Participation Greece

*TIMETABLE: 18/02/23 – 25/02/23

18/02 Saturday       19/02 Sunday         20/02 Monday         21/02 Tuesday         22/02 Wednesday      23/02 Thursday      24/02 Friday     25/02 Saturday


Get to know each other – Making the team

Types of Education Key Competences In the youth field

Activities of Non formal Education


Going through the types of activities

Getting familiar to local culture and area

From youth worker to youth trainer (concepts, analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, restart)

10:00-13:00 Applying youthwork approach with youths in real context


Lunch Break

Basic Project concepts and E+

The role of the youth worker – Sharing practices

Youth worker in projects and in community: Topics and needs

Developing and improving Competences through NFL (Partner’s input)

From youth worker to youth trainer

Dissemination of previous projects as good practice Project next steps

Arrivals and dinner

15:30- 19:00

Ice breaker and welcoming

Approaching the Project topic through Youthpass

Products teams

Developing and improving Competences through NFL

Project products teams

Project final products

Evaluation Reflection Diaries

Intercultural evening

Intercultural evening

Intercultural evening

Project  Summary

This project is designed to promote Non Formal Learning through which representatives of the partner organisations will share personal and professional experiences, contribute based on their competences, work collaborative, irrespective background and develop a programme which will meet the following objectives:


Objective 1: International cooperation between experienced and not experienced Organisations and individuals but also between target group, youths and youthworkers who aim for eliminating discrimination and marginalisation through social inclusion practice.


Objective 2: To promote the non formal education as a mean of approaching diversity and supporting young people with current educational needs


Objective 3: We aim to develop projects to leave an efficient impact for the next Erasmus period on the topic of European identity and intercultural learning


Objective 4: To develop skills and competences to youths for improving entrepreneurship and employability.

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The project also meets International, EU and E+ objectives because:


-encourages participation of youthworkers and youths, especially the ones with fewer opportunities


-secures safety and pleasant NF learning environment


-promotes the development of:


3 *learning outcomes and improvement of basic key competences

*practices for intercultural learning, equity and social inclusion

*it's a project from youthworkers to youths and community

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"Equal and decent opportunities on lifelong learning,  on health and on enjoying a healthy environment''

Contact     Tel: +35799465221       Markou Drakou, 7,7510 Xylotymbou (Cyprus)

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