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1.4 Agreement with the participants:

  1. Will attend all sessions and activities during the Activity week

  2. Will be punctual on their arrival at each session everyday

  3. Will not arrive later than 24th March

  4. Will not depart earlier than 31st March

  5. Will promote visibility of the project during the TC week

  6. Will work on the production of dissemination products during the TC week

  7. Will be active on dissemination of the results as a multiplier of new experiences, info and knowledge when back to his/her country by organizing a small scale local TC within their organizations (between 1st April and 27th May). Photos of the event are required.

  8. Will prepare a reflection diary (1-2 pages) with photos of the TC and share it in the Lifelong learning community , as well send a copy to the organizer

  9. Will take part in the Mobility Tool+ assignment (a questioner that will be sent through email by EU Platform after the TC)

  10. Will provide all necessary documents (invoices, visa expenses, travel reservations, ID copies etc)


1.5 Agreement with Partners:


  1. Share materials related to good practice,

  2. Intercultural evenings preparation,

  3. Visibility and dissemination of the project and project results,

  4. Establishing impact,

  5. NGO fair for partners matching,

  6. Selecting two participants/youth workers according to 1.3 and 1.4,

  7. Will conduct interviews from their youth workers who participated at the Activity (TC) about reflections and experiences

  8. Will conduct observations (based on qualitative research) whether their members/youth workers implement/change/improve their practice after their participation to the Activity.

  9. All results and data from (h) and (i) will be sent to the Organizer by 27th May.

  10. Contribution to the products*:

    1. Cyprus-Hosting organization, applicant, organizer, providing support staff and a trainer

    2. Matla- Sending a co-trainer, updating the Social Network with the Activity outcomes

    3. Italy-Spain: Preparing the digital photo album of the Activity

    4. Czech Rep.-Greece: Create Social Network Page and keep it updated daily  with results of the Activity

    5. Greece-Romania: Organizing new material and products of the Activity in MS form for publication

    6. Poland-Estonia: Video capturing and editing moments of the Activity week and editing the final video of the TC.

    7. Slovakia- Turkey: Conduct interviews from the participants during the Activity week

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