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neci eu

About the project


This project will point out the need of improving  

the Road Safety Consciousness (RSC) in micro level

foryouthscommunity and in macro level for their country.


The project is important for all youths and partners based on:

A)Annuallyyouths and adultsareinvolved in road accidents (with minor or severe results-injuries, fatalities).There islack of education and/or respect of RTR and this comes in accordance to European Transport SafetyCouncil where its mentioned that "For both primary and secondary education, this report shows that traffic safetyand mobility education is not a dedicated subject in the vast majority of [european] states".

B)Recent European status report from EUROSTAT, shows the following data:There have been about 25000 deaths from RA in 2017 in EU, which is equal to 50 deaths/million persons. Theannual number of deaths from RA is more or less same as it was since 2013.

C)Reckless Road Attitude is primarily the reason that provokes so many serious traffic accidents. Youths feel thatthey should contribute to this unfortunate situation. Reckless Road Attitude refers to: Distracted Driving 3Speeding, Drunk Driving, Texting, Running Red Lights Or Stop Signs, Wrong-Way Driving, Tailgating, RecklessDriving

D)Partners' countries(Bulgaria,Romania,Greece,Lithuania,Poland,Croatia) rank in top 10 list with highest rate ofRA in the Europe

E)Direct consequences:According to WHO, Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children andyoung adults aged 5-29 years


What we want to achieve: To

-help youths to share experiences, learn and design practice how to influence target groups (but also others inbroaden level too) for being aware and respecting RoadSafetyConsciousnee

-encourage youths to design,run, implement a project that is related to their own interest and that can affectpublic awareness on issues of health, safety and solidarity

-support youths and in general all people to be aware about the positive effects of cooperation in individual andinternational level for own and global development

-give opportunities for learning by sharing to youths (especially those with fewer opportunities) thoughintercultural dialogue based on NFL and inclusive practices-facilitate the process of self awareness and competences' development for youths funded E+ projects.Connection to E+

Connection to E+: To

-bring youths from 8 different countries to suggest ideas and solutions for current issues and improve interculturaldialogue

-increase awareness onopportunities for learning and mobilities by shared practice and activities

-improve the level of key competences to young people with variety of activities

-influence policy makers and communities in national and international level in the fields of Safety and solidarity



1)promote and support safe, pleasant learning environment based on NF methods for youths with feweropportunities

2)develop youths' awareness on the importance of Road Safety Consciousnessthrough NFL and experientiallearning

3)explore the power intercultural dialogue for tackling global problems as reckless road/traffic attitude

4)create tangible and intangible results directly from youths for the youths and their NGOs too,irrespective theirbackground (social, financial and educational level)

5)support youths and leaders to develop their competences as influencers of target groups, peers and society andbe certified with a youthpass.



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Reflection Diaries



My name is Sotiris and I would like to share an amazing experience. Recently I participated in a project about road safety consciousness, that was implemented in Paralimni, Cyprus by Neci Cyprus. The aim was to increase awareness about safety issues in driving. We discussed about the accidents that take place every year in our communities and countries base on statistics. The part that surprised us was that we had so many things in common with other countries. Everyday we were going little by little into the topic by sharing information about solutions and consequences of careless driving. Of course we also had ice breakers, energizers and meeting games in order to create a warm atmosphere to the group and fulfill our goal together. In general this experience was one of a kind, I learned a lot of things that I'm gonna use in my daily life and I also had an amazing time.




This is the first time I am participating in an Erasmus+ project. I never thought that this
kind of experience could give to someone such beautiful feelings, especially this project. Also, what I
want to say about it is that it was perfect. We had a lot of activities everyday which kept us active,
positive and happy dispite the virus. Moreover, the topic with the road safety was a complete
successful. We all had something to say and learned from each other, and what I would like to
mention is that we all had a great time together creating groups and discussing about the reckless
driving and consequences. For me it was very simple to discuss because I enjoyed the topic with the
best people I have ever met. I am still in touch with them even today.
Thank you for this opportunity! Hope we’ll see again!




I attended as participant at the project This is the Road to Life-Road Safety Consciousness held in
Cyprus from March 12 till March 21

 I already had some picture in my head what road safety consciousness (RSC) is, why is important and so one but still I didn’t have the point of view from a person coming from a different
country; what he/she thinks RSC is, how RSC is implemented in practice in their respective country, what are the main obstacles and so one. So, this project gave me the opportunity to share experience, knowledge and personal events regarding this topic. I learned a lot on local laws regulating road safety in different countries, road conditions and how much money each of the represented countries spend on improving road safety, what youth in those countries think should be done to improve it even more.
All of these information are very important to me because I learned many examples of good practice
that are being in effect and that, if implemented in my national legal system, can significantly
improve road safety in my country, Croatia
I’m fulfilling the main goal of this project, to make our roads safer.





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Network for European Citizenship and Identity Cyprus

Asociatia MasterPeace Romania

Association of Ruse in help for society and young people Bulgaria

Udruzenje PREVENT Serbia

Meraki Croatia

Mano Europa Lithuania

United Societies of Balkans Greece

Fundacja Youth Act Poland



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